Piko G-Scale Track Geometry System
The 600 mm Module – The Starting Point
The basis for the design of the PIKO G-Track is a 23.62” x 6.33” (600 x 160 mm) unit Piko 35208. These measurements were not chosen at random.
They are the result of extensive computer-aided engineering to satisfy the requirements of beginners and advanced hobbyists alike.
With this module, almost all track designs can be constructed very simply with no need for small adapter pieces: elegant turnouts on the straight or on curves, various crossovers from one parallel track to another and the possibility of incorporating existing accessories such as platforms, etc.
This simple system makes complicated design charts superfluous. The layouts can be drawn on ordinary graph paper to work out the track elements required.
The Track Design
The outstanding feature of the PIKO G-Track design is that it requires only a small number of elements and the modeler needs no extra adapter pieces at switches or crossings (which can often lead to uneven running and poor electrical contact).
For straight track the module length of 23.62” (600 mm) is made up using two different lengths, 12.66” (320 mm) and 10.96” (280 mm). This is what makes it possible to have parallel tracks with two turnouts without any need for extra pieces. They are available as Piko 35200 and Piko 35201 at Ajckids.
The Track
PIKO G-Track rails are made from a high quality, pure brass alloy. The ample “Code 332” rail cross-section allows for minimal voltage loss, even over long distances. The brass rail joiners connect the rails securely and ensure good electrical conductivity at the joints in the rails.
The ties are made of ultra-violet stabilized HDPE plastic, which is characterized in particular by its high impact resistance, noise reduction properties and resistance to cracking under stress. The shape, color and texture model the appearance of real wood railroad ties.
Track Identification
In addition to the item number, the PIKO G-Track uses a track identification such as G-G320. This is used to identify the parts in the various track diagrams. In addition to this identification, each track section is represented in PIKO track diagrams by its own color which is also used in brochures, catalogs and on the boxes. This makes it easy to tell which piece of track is required.
Straight Track
The PIKO G-Track system normally requires only two straight track sections, the G-G320 and G-G280. When these two tracks are put together they form the 23.62” (600 mm) module length. This length equals the single piece G-G600 (Piko 35208).
The other straight track sections, such as G-G160 and G-G140, can be used anywhere but are only necessary when creating more complex track layouts. The G-G95 straight track is only required as a parallel track when using 60° crossings.
Straight Track Dimensions
PIKO G-Track offers the following straight tracks:
G-G320 Piko 35200 Straight track 12.66” (320 mm), together with G-G280 straight track makes up module length of 23.62” (600 mm)
G-G280 Piko 35201 Straight track 10.96” (280 mm), together with G-G320 straight track makes up module length of 23.62” (600 mm)
G-G160 Piko 35202 Straight track 6.33” (160 mm), 2 x G-G160 make up a G-G320 track
G-G140 Piko 35203 Straight track 5.48” (140 mm), 2 x G-G140 make up G-G280 track
G-G95 Piko 35204 Straight track 3.74” (95 mm)
G-G1200 Piko 35209 Straight track 47.24” (1200 mm). This is the long beast, double the module length for large layouts. It's almost 4 feet long!
G-G600 Piko 35208 Straight track 23.62” (600 mm). This is the module length track piece. It's about 2 feet long.
Flexible Track
For construction of smooth flowing curves with any desired radius, the PIKO G-Track system also includes flexible track, made up of individual rails and tie strips. Using the G-SB280 and G-SB320 tie strips together with the G-P1500 or G-P3000 rail sections, you can build your own flex track.
A rail bending tool is important for making accurate bends in the rails, but long straight tracks can be built easily without any tools.
Curved Track
The PIKO G-Track offers 4 basic radii with a parallel spacing of 12.66’‘ (321.54 mm) (nominally 320 mm).
G-R1 curved track 30°, r = 23.62” (600 mm)
G-R3 curved track 30°, r = 36.28” (921.54 mm)
G-R5 curved track 15°, r = 48.94” (1,243.08 mm)
G-R7 curved track 15°, r = 61.61” (1,564.62 mm)
To form a complete circle (360°), 12 curved tracks are required for radius G-R1 and G-R3. 24 pieces are required for radius G-R5 and G-R7. The 12.66” (320 mm) distance between tracks ensures that even on radius G-R1 and G-R3 long rolling stock can pass without touching.
Curved Track for Switches
To get from a switch to a parallel track (such as on a passing siding track) while maintaining the distance of 6.34” (160 mm) all that is needed is the G-R1 curved track Piko 35211.
To get the 320mm spacing between two tracks, you use an additional G-G320 straight piece (Piko 35200).
Remote Controlled Switches
All PIKO G-Scale Track switches can be installed as manual or electric switches. An electric switch machine can be screwed onto any switch to convert it to electrical operation.
The finely reproduced spike and bolt details which fix the rails to the ties in the original are designed so that all standard wheel sets can run smoothly over all elements of the PIKO G-Scale Track.
Joining Track Sections
The sturdy brass rail joiners ensure that PIKO G-Track can be laid on almost any surface, even on household carpet or across a lawn.
Power Connection
The simplest power connection for the PIKO G-Track is the Power Clamp (Piko 35270). This can be fitted onto any track.