Fleischmann 731303 - Electric Locomotive Re 460 Engadin
Re 460 Engadin SBB
- DCC ready 6-pin NEM-651
Faster, more frequent, more comfortable is the motto of Bahn 2000. The goal of the Swiss project is the speeding up and increase of frequency of the train connections as well as the modernization of the rolling stock. The Re 460 is meanwhile synonymous with these projects as her popular name Locomotive 2000 underlines. Designed by the consortium SLM/ABB (Schweizerische- und Maschinenfabrik, Asea Brown Boveri, Zürich) it is so far the last of the purely Swiss mainline Locomotives. But true Swiss people are open to the world and the Fleischmann Eurofima wagons of the FS and oeBB as well as the IC wagons of the DB AG match very well with the Re 460.