Marklin 8992 - automatic Crossing Signals
The set consists of 2 solenoid activated gates, each with 2 red warning lights which go on when the gates descend.
Dimensions for each base 96 x 37 mm / 3-3/4" x 1-1/2".
The following are required for the railroad crossing gates: for manual operation: 1 manual signal controller 8946.
For automatic operation by a passing train:
1 each 8945 universal relay and 2 circuit tracks (8529, 8539 or 8589 according to the layout) per track.
Use 8589 for straight 55mm track (replaces a 8503 track piece, or, in combination with another 8503 replaces a 8500 track piece)
Use 8529 for curved 195mm-30 degree track (replaces a 8521 track piece)
Use 8539 for curved 220mm-30 degree track (replaces a 8531 track piece)
You will also need a relay 8945, and of course wire it all up.