Brawa 40213 - Express Train Locomotive BR 06 DRG
Express Train Locomotive BR 06 DRG
Road no. 06 001
In order to top off the programme of &ldquo, standard&rdquo, design locomotives, the DRG issued a request for tenders to the locomotive industry in 1934 in respect of the construction of a four-coupled express train locomotive. The Krupp Company in Essen was awarded the contract to initially build two locomotives in this 06 series. The Krupp Company delivered the two electric locomotives
06 001 and 06 002 in March and August 1939 in the DR&rsquo, s colours at that time &ndash, a black body with red wheels and frame.
Delivery date: 3rd quarter 2010
EAN/UPC: 4012278402130