Brawa 40605 - Steam Locomotive Reihe 178

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Scale: H0-Scale

EAN/UPC: 4012278406053

System: 3-Rail AC (Märklin).

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Steam Locomotive Reihe 178 BB&Ouml, In 1898, Karl G&ouml, lsdorf developed a small four-coupled locomotive with a compound power unit for the Schneebergbahn. Two units were built, and they were placed in service under the names &quot, Willendorf&quot, and &quot, Klaus&quot, . The Aspergbahn, which took over the operation in 1899, quickly ordered another eight machines. The kkStB used the vehicle as a model, and had 211 locomotives built in a slightly modified version by 1924. Naturally, the locomotives all featured a Kobelschornstein (diamond-smokestack). Inventories differed slightly, with a corresponding difference in service weight. In addition to Krauss, its manufacturers were Wiener Neustadt Lokomotivfabrik, Lokomotivfabrik Floridsdorf, and B&ouml, hmisch-M&auml, hrische Maschinenfabrik.

It was one of the most widespread and popular old-Austrian local railway locomotives. Another 15 units were built for the BB&Ouml, after 1924, and some other private railways liked the small locomotive as well. A total of 268 locomotives were built in this class. The BB&Ouml, retained 50 machines from the 178.01 - 178.213 class built at the end of the First World War. Large quantities had to be handed over as reparation payments. The CSD alone received 105 locomotives, which they sorted as a 422.0 class. The machines built after the war were classified as 178.214 - 178.232, while the 8 four-coupled locomotives built for the NL&Ouml, B in 1922 were designated 178.295 - 302. The founding mothers of the Schneebergbahn had their classifications changed to 178.801 &ndash, 807 in 1937. When the DR numbering system came into effect in Austria in 1938, the 178 class became the 92&sup2, &sup2, .

Ajckids estimated delivery date: 1st Quarter 2012

Model: Metal boiler, water tanks, chassis and wheels, boxpok-wheels, extra mounted metal handrails, finest paintwork and printing, smoke generator and sound decoder, either built in or as a retrofit option, true-to epoch lighting, multipart lamp housing, filigree reversing gear, digital decoder

Please note: When operating this as AC analog, alternating direction of travel not possible

EAN/UPC: 4012278406053