Brawa 45052 - Bagage Car Gep KWStE
Analogue to passengers Coach es, the Kö, niglich Wü, rttembergische Staats-Eisenbahnen also purchased 64 large four-axle luggage cars. Unlike passenger Coach es, all luggage cars were built at the machine factory in Esslingen. These cars had unusually large loading doors. They also had an additional dog compartment underneath the floor. The luggage cars were constantly being modernized and were in service for very long time. They completed their time of service on the Wü, rttemberg branch lines.
- Tip bearing wheelsets
- Extra wheel bearing and suspension system
- True-to-scale side frames
- Extra gas tank
- Completely lacquered Car body, housing and roof with soot marks
- Handles and steps in lower-density material