Faller 130815 - Veltins Brewery
This impressive model ensemble is modelled on the current »Veltins« brewery based in Meschede-Grevenstein in the Sauerland region. It consists of two large modern silo tower complexes, several functional brewing, bottling and storage areas as well as many matching details such as pallet trucks, pallets, barrels and crates. This H0 kit is an easy way to create a thematically interesting and impressive eye-catcher on a model railway layout.By the way: The »Veltins« brewery will be two hundred years old in 2024 and is still family-owned today. To celebrate this birthday, our FALLER premium model kit comes with a VW LT with high roof in the matching 1:87 scale from Wiking with original branding of the »Veltins« brewery as a gift to you. This unusual kit also contains a tinker motor so that the filling plant, which is clearly visible in the model, can be impressively put into operation. The 5 LEDs included in the kit give an idea of the elaborate safety concept of the Veltins brewery complex in the model. Nothing stands in the way of a model replica of one of the world's most modern owner-managed breweries.
680 x 288 x 250 mmDifficulty Level
DemandingCharlie says:
Factory issued pictures often show a building kit placed in a setting with other scenery items. These items are not included in the building kit. The pictures of the model without the scenery (in white background) show the contents of the kit.EAN/UPC: 4104090308155