Fleischmann 9152 - Electric turntable
Turntable with electric propulsion and electric individually switchable track exits, length 252 mm, with Fleischmann 6910 turntable controller. Length of the swing bridge 183 mm.
The turntable is made in Prototypical sunken design and best presentation of all the details. The basic configuration of the turntable consists of 6 tracks and 4 stops. The entry tracks can be at an angle of 7.5 Degrees in any number and arrangement can be reconnected and will be extended to up to 48 ports by rail hubs, complementary sets 9153.
The "Thinking" turntable: The switch 6910 controls the rotation of the turntable to achieve the appropriate track exit. The Fahrstromeinspeisung is in the swing bridge. The desired track exit, with the swing bridge is connected to is switched electrically to the switch 6910. All other tracks (also opposite) are then automatically de-energized. This allows a maximum of 48 track exits will be activated and electrically controlled separately without extra cables must be laid.