LGB 12010 - Switch Machine (Turnout Motor)
Switch Machine
This easy-to-install drive powers your LGB electric turnouts. Combine with LGB 12070 and other LGB components to create automatic train controls. Use with LGB 51750 or equivalent.
88 x 42 x 19 mm
The 12010 turnout mechanism may only be operated with 14 – 20 volts DC or with the 55525 or 55524 turnout decoders. Higher voltages will destroy the mechanism.
This mechanism cannot be operated with the 60831/60832 decoder (Märklin) and the 60821 adapter (Märklin).
- Hang the lever from the mechanism on the lever for the turnout
- Plug the mechanism from the side onto the turnout and mount it with 2 screws through the track ties.
EAN/UPC: 4011525120100