Marklin 7592 - Fully Automatic Railroad Grade Crossing K-Track
The railroad grade crossing comes with half gates. It is designed for K Track. 2 solenoid activated gates with 2 warning crossbucks and 2 red warning lights which come on when the gates go down.
Contact track set: 3 straight tracks each 90 mm / 3-9/16".
Dimensions for each base half 137 x 95 mm / 5-3/8"x 3-3/4".
The gates for the fully automatic railroad grade crossings descend the minute an oncoming train reaches the contact area, and do not go back up until the last car has left the contact area. The contact area can be extended to any length desired. Any straight or curved track can be used with K Track.
With C Track an existing electrical connection on the track sections must be separated, but Charlie advises you to buy the Marklin 74923 if you use C-Track. On the M Track that is no longer available only the 5115, 5116, and 5145 contact tracks can be used.
EAN/UPC: 4001883075921