Roco 74188 - 3 piece set 1: Passenger coaches D 374/375 “Vindobona/Hungaria”
Finely detailed models with extra applied plug-in parts With true to original interior design All coach sets suitable for electric locomotive class 372, itmes 71222, 71223, 79223 and for class 230, itmes 71219, 71220, 79220 and for diesel locomotive class 2143, itmes 70713, 70714, 78714
Product description
“Vindobona” is the Latin name for the City of Vienna, and the name of the international express train which ran from 1957 to 2014. For many years, this train was operated between Berlin and Vienna, travelling via Dresden and Prague. On 13th January 1957, the scheduled railcar express train connection started for the first time from the Berlin Friedrichstraße station. The agreement between the different railway administrations with their different political systems regarding the creation of an international express train connection over this distance in the middle of the 1950s earned much positive recognition at the time. The aim of the agreement was the development of an express train connection equipped with comfortable rolling stock, whereby the 745 kilometres would be travelled in a daily connection. Since the beginning of this train connection until May 1979, a diesel railcar was used for the Vindobona. The participating railway administrations, the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Ost (DR), the Tschechoslowakische Staatsbahn (CSD) and the Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) each agreed to provide the vehicles at two-year intervals and with compensation in kind. The trains were mainly used by the inhabitants of West Berlin, diplomats and Scandinavians in transit through the GDR. In addition, the Vindobona was also used for standard traffic between the GDR, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and Austria. Over time, the railcars used were no longer able to cope with the increasing demands in tourist traffic, as their seating capacity was limited. The European Timetable Conference of 1978 decided to have the Vindobona converted into a locomotive-hauled train from the timetable year 1979. The Vindobona was then given the train number D 374/375 at the beginning of the summer timetable 1981. It last ran from Hamburg via Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Brünn and Vienna to Villach. The train was given its international character through the alternating provision of the carriages from the participating railway administrations (DR, CSD, MAV, JZ, ÖBB). In the annual timetables from 1986 to 1988, the train pairs IEx 74/75 “Hungaria” and D 374/375 “Vindobona” operated between Berlin-Lichtenberg and Prague hln. in unified form as the D 374/375 “Vindobona/Hungaria”. Here the carriages from Berlin to Vienna represented the regular trainset, and the carriages to Budapest a through carriage group. Our carriage sets are a reproduction of the train during the timetable year 1987/1988.
EAN/UPC: 9005033741884